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What Does Ethnic Rhinoplasty Consist Of?

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ethnic rhinoplasty patient model laughing

There is no doubt that rhinoplasty surgery can make a dramatic difference in a person's overall appearance by enhancing the size, shape, and other characteristics of the nose. In some cases, rhinoplasty can also improve the patient's ability to breathe comfortably and sleep without interruption. However, men and women of certain ethnicities often have concerns about how rhinoplasty may alter their look and whether or not the results will appear natural. Board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Sadati fully understands the desire to maintain your cultural identity and is dedicated to helping Orange County, CA patients achieve their ultimate aesthetic goals that appear natural and appropriate through the highly advanced ethnic rhinoplasty procedure.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a nose job, is a complex and highly individualized surgical procedure designed to alter certain characteristics of the nose for both cosmetic and functional improvements. Some of the most common problems that can be addressed and corrected with rhinoplasty surgery in Orange County, CA include:

  • Width of nose
  • Nostril size
  • Bump in bridge of nose
  • Hooked nose tip
  • Crooked nose
  • Deviated septum
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Snoring/sleep apnea

What is the difference between ethnic rhinoplasty and regular rhinoplasty?

When it comes to rhinoplasty surgery, and many other cosmetic procedures, Dr. Sadati feels strongly about working to enhance a patient's natural features rather than altering their appearance beyond recognition. Using advanced and innovative rhinoplasty techniques, along with his skillful eye, Dr. Sadati is able to transform a patient's look with stunning results that still appear natural and appropriate. This is particularly important for men and women of certain ethnicities, whose noses often have characteristics that are closely associated with their cultural identities. For example, African-American patients typically have rounder noses with wider nostrils, while patients of Middle Eastern descent often have longer noses with a strong, bony nasal hump.

With the distinct structural and anatomical differences seen in the noses of patients across various ethnicities, it is essential that surgeons use a highly individualized surgical approach when performing rhinoplasty. When performed properly by a knowledgeable and experienced plastic surgeon, like Dr. Sadati, an ethnic rhinoplasty can result in a gorgeous outcome that maintains the patient's natural beauty.

How does ethnic rhinoplasty work?

In general, the process of undergoing an ethnic nose job is no different than a “traditional” nose job. The procedure is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia and typically takes about two hours. During rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Sadati will carefully make a series of incisions either inside the nose, on the outside of the nose, or both. The surgical approach and techniques used will depend on the patient's specific concerns and anatomy. Because patients of certain ethnicities often have unique nasal characteristics, including thick skin or strong bony structures, it is important for the surgeon to tailor the procedure accordingly. Dr. Sadati may choose to remove or graft cartilage, place internal sutures, manipulate the bones, or utilize another technique to achieve the patient's desired look.

How long is the recovery after ethnic rhinoplasty?

Following rhinoplasty surgery, patients should expect some pain, swelling, and bruising for the first several days. These symptoms can be relieved with prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and cold compresses. It is imperative that patients follow their doctor's postoperative guidelines closely in order to ensure complete healing and a successful outcome. Most patients are able to return to light household activities – such as walking, cooking, or working on the computer – after about 2-3 days, and many are ready to return to work after about 1-2 weeks, depending on the physical demands of their job. More strenuous activities, including exercise, may be off-limits for 4-6 weeks or until approved by the surgeon.

While patients will likely notice an almost immediate improvement in the appearance of their nose, the final results may take several months to become visible as the residual swelling continues to resolve and the tissues settle.

Am I a good candidate for a nose job?

Most men and women in Orange County, CA who are in good health, do not smoke, and have no contraindications to surgery or anesthesia can be considered for rhinoplasty surgery. However, it is important to be evaluated by a qualified, certified, and experienced plastic surgeon in order to determine the best course of treatment to help you achieve your specific goals. During your initial consultation, Dr. Sadati will carefully examine your nose, discuss your concerns and health history, and answer all of your questions at length in order to determine how an ethnic rhinoplasty may be able to help you.

Call our convenient Newport Beach plastic surgery office to schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Kevin Sadati, today, or take advantage of a virtual consultation from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Learn more about how ethnic rhinoplasty surgery can boost your confidence, enhance your look, and truly change your life!


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359 San Miguel Dr, Suite 200, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Clients from around the globe travel to see Dr. Sadati for his surgical expertise. He and his surgical team provide the highest standard of patient care, from the initial consultation, to complete recovery and conclusion of your care. Our friendly staff is available to accommodate you in any way that we can.

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